Monday, 15 April 2013

The Need of the Hour.

  A pleasure it is to talk to Tahrim Farrukh my twinsie in spirit. Writing, oh how i miss blogging when I can't find the time to. *Happiness*

  Finally when I thought I'm immune to prostho allergens, allergic rhinitis came along. I think it came from the disinfectant i inhaled on the day of the denture-insertion. *Sighs* Allergies, Oh how will I make it through the dental school with them.. i wonder.. but then I've made it so far, I called in sick today. Resting at home. Stress is the biggest immunity-enemy ever. I've never been this stressed out in all these dental years as much as have been lately i guess that did it. So today I rest. Today I blog. Today I unwind. Today I reflect and today I recharge for tomorrow.

  So what do I write about today han? Recent achievements or miseries? I'll start with achievements:
- made my first complete denture and got my patient's duas
- my  fastest attempt at making white-sauce pasta. woke up at 5 in the morning and was done by 7. It would've been even faster but I was also de-waxing the denture wax-up. soooo
-worked and cooked simultaneously (multi-tasking is something to celebrate)
- attended shaukat khanum's head and neck cancer conference
-  read isolation from all three operative books on in a few hours.. speeeeed =D
- got the raw material for dresses for Fahad Bhai, my cousin's shaadi. THIS is an achievement! Me getting family-shaadi dresses done early.. me proud B)

Miseries.. umm I'm not sure if I should call them so because well, I do believe everything happens for a reason. everything. And no matter how miserable it makes you, Allah has something better planned for us. So I suppose all these setbacks and challenges and events testing my patience are set out for a reason.
- I still have to get one more credit in prostho
-Dr.Anwar, our oral surgery teacher, confirmed that there is an extraction-quota. 250 extractions!
- i still have to complete ortho plates
I wonder what makes medicine students at dow say they're short of time. Dentistry is far more tough and definitely takes up more time. Yes the treatment scope narrows down to the oral cavity but these four undergrad years are wayyyyy to hectic.
Solution: Pray, work. pray it gets approved and keep calm and carry on.
-Next, I seriously feel like going into self-exile, surrounded by notions devoid of any sense or idea about what it is like  is to have a hobby, nurture it and keep at it because it works like therapy, perhaps even better. Crying was never any help to me. I never used to cry to make me feel better because it doesn't. I have had my own set of therapies.
- carving .. no time for that
- poetry.... hmmm not sure what to write about anymore
- writing... I'm at it =D
- reading... i want to re-read Harry Potter but .... no time.

sooo... writing it is for now..


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