Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Words Fail Me

I once had words to describe a heartache
I knew precisely how it felt and to give words to it 
I think, before we met, I parted with them
When it was time for us to part, I had none 
So I pour out words in depth about world peace 
& none to describe the peace this heart longs for
I write words about borders, longing and love 
And none for those fences which if crossed
Would have given a love that vanquished all longing
I write notes on the living dead and their pain
None on how very alive am I & the pain I sleep with 
I argue, I fight, I heal and hurt others with words
And I wish I could say a few for the war inside me

I do try you know, for only yesterday
I was lost in thought of how our love sought infinity
And then of how this infinity we think we're seeking
Shall sometimes becomes the death of us
Like a crazy gene inside a human cell does sometime
Get a mind of it's own and thinks it needs us to live forever
Infinity it tries to reach preventing needed atrophy.
It avoids cell death, and when it does, it's unstoppable.
That search for infinity becomes cancer.
And then I realise how much that love of ours,
Thinking it sought infinity, became the death of us.
Then, I gather words to describe cancer and write,
And realise I still do not have the right ones for you & me.
I lament our parting of ways and I lament
How the right words to say goodbye,
Parted with me before that and I wish
I wish for them to return, but they do not
Perhaps knowing that we would not return


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